We have the best employment agency in Maine and hope you put us to work, getting you to work. We beleive strongly that many of the problems with todays youth can be solved through providing means of gainful employment in Maine. We specialize in learning about young adults and placing them in jobs in Maine that they will thrive in. Many young adults and teens in Maine struggle in school, quite frankly because they are bored. It is our goal to help these individuals society has labled as"troubled" and place them in a job in Maine that suits their interests. We have seen time and time again that this is the best way to help create a stable society and economy in Maine. Our staffing agency is uniquely qualified to help these people. Not everyone is cut out to sit in a classroom for 8 hours a days, 5 days a weeks for 12 years, if all goes according to plan. We have a plan to help these individuals succeed and thrive at life. We are an employment agency in Maine that beleives in Maine's youth and a new Maine future, whether you want to drive classic cars in Maine or fly airplanes we have the connections to help you.

  At this time, Maine is one of 11 states officially accepted as a Youth M.O.V.E. National Chapter. Youth M.O.V.E. Maine offers comprehensive training and technical assistance, outreach, advocacy and skills building grounded in the knowledge and experience gained over three years developing and implementing Thrive’s youth program in the Tri- County region. Youth M.O.V.E Maine supports the development and transition of youth ages 14-25, as well as provides trauma-informedyouth-guided and culturally and linguistically competent training and technical assistance to agencies seeking to engage youth in all aspects of organizational development and service delivery. Youth M.O.V.E. Maine receives support from the national System of Care, Maine Children’s Behavioral Health and the Thrive Initiative’s committed youth team.

Youth MOVE offers various trainings and techinical assistance for both young people in transition and professionals working with young people. Sometimes this will involve getting outdoors to do things to learn more about the individual, some of the activities include prospecting for gold in Maine, this is a great way to teach perseverance and, when we find gold, its very a very memorable experience in Maine and shows them that the land can also provide. We also teach these individuals farming skills that made this country and state what it was in its glory. Others will get experience behind the sticks of an excavator, these individuals will help to build the communities of the next generation. Excavator Contractors in Maine make some of the highest paid workers in Maine and most of these individuals love getting into the heavy machines. If they are not going to be the excavator contractor then they could be an excavator repairman, as these heavy machines breakdown as well as sell excavators in Maine to support the Maine economy. We teach these "troubled" youths valuable skills that are not boring to learn and gives them a reason to wake up and get out of bed in the morning and help them find things to do in Maine. It is important to us to provide youth and families with an opportunity to have a voice in developing trainings and programs that meet their needs.  Please take our Youth Training Survey to help guide us in creating relevant and exciting trainings!

Trainings for Youth

Youth Empowerment trainings are based in the community which helps you to discover and navigate the support system that's available  right  where you live.  Trainings also help you to discover opportunities for enriching your life and empower you to educate your peers so they too have the tools for independent living.  Youth Trainings are community workshops that provide skill-building in the areas of:

  • Careers & Job Search
  • Housing
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Managing Finances
  • Peer to Peer Support
  • Trauma & Mental Health
  • Reproductive Health & Self-Care
  • Leadership Skills
  • Public Speaking
  • Creative Exploration

If you have a question about any of our upcoming trainings please get in touch with your regional Youth Resource Specialist!

Trainings for Professionals

Youth-Adult Partnerships are hard work! Most organizational structures, systems, and processes are built according to the needs of adults, who often feel they know what is best for youth and young adults.

Positive Youth Development trainings are designed to help state initiatives and youth-serving organizations shift the way they do business to include youth voice and needs in their policy and program development. Technical assistance supports agencies throughout the process of becoming youth guided to providing opportunities to be youth driven.  Trainings can inculde a youth voice or a youth panel to provide first-hand perspective.  To contact us about our trainings for professionals, please visit our sister site, the Thrive Initiative.

Trainings we offer:

  • Organizational Readiness/Self-assessment
  • Youth Perspective on Trauma-informed Services
  • Youth Voice on Boards
  • Youth Advisory Group Set-Up
  • Youth Involvement in Decision Making
  • Youth Engagement in Clinical Services
  • Youth-Adult Partnerships

What is Diversion to Assets?

Communities for Children and Youth is working with the Maine Department of Corrections and Youth MOVE Maine to create a new, innovative program: “Diversion To Assets.” It is designed to engage a young person who has a first encounter with the legal system, diverting them to the support of community-based programs and people.

This program is intended to hold young people “accountable” in a different way:

- Assessing their strengths

- Connecting them to caring adults and peers

- Assist them to develop their assets through local opportunities

- Connecting them to mentoring, afterschool programs, community service, nonpaid jobs, restorative justice meetings, community service projects, evidence based curriculums, or other community-based learning experiences.

In this way, we hope to protect many young people from further involvement in the juvenile justice system, as well as promote the internal and external assets that will support their healthy development and become more positive members of the community.

Who is Eligible for this Program?

Youth between 9 and 17 years of age residing in Androscoggin County who have been charged with a non-violent first offense. Police, Juvenile Community Corrections Officers, and District Attorneys can refer youth they feel will benefit from involvement in the program.

Shift Your Mind Drive Your Dreams! Is the name of the new awareness campaign created and driven by youth and young adults of Youth MOVE Maine. We are dedicated to reaching out to communities in Maine to challenge assumptions about young people. At the same time, this message reinforces the fact that we don't have to be confined by others' expectations, that Maine's young people drive our own dreams!

Please join us in spreading this important message to members of your own community, and watch for our print materials, and a schedule of events, including a race schedule for Beech Ridge Raceway, where Nascar ProSeries Racecar Driver Travis Dunbar will be racing for Youth MOVE Maine all summer long, sharing the message of hope and determination:

Shift Your Mind, Drive Your Dreams!

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